Friday, April 10, 2009

Missing Grey seen below!

Hear is a shout out to all of my friends and family! Especially those I have visited in the last couple of months. I have lost my grey sweater. It is a zip up with 3/4 sleeves and a hood. I believe it is gap. I am wearing it in the picture above. I have had this sweater forever and I love it! I have never seen another one like it and will be heartbroken if it cannnot be found. I must have left it somewhere so if you have a random sweater at your house...please let me know! Thanks!


The Sabeys said...

Sorry Dude! I know for a fact that you were wearing it when we parted ways at disneyland. But I hope you find it because it is very cute anad that picture is very cute too!

Jami said...

I think it's pretty safe to say it's not at my house either. :0/