Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Fun Saturday!

Once again I don't think there was one night this week that Steve and I were home together. Between work and callings there is always something and we just seem to take turns. So by today (Saturday) we were in desperate need of some family fun time. We went to an earlish dinner and then over to the Goodyear Park that has a bunch of playgrounds and a splash pad. Weren't really planning on the splash pad as you can see but it was still a fun time. Steve still is having Kidney issues so he was trying to take it easy but he was bearing it so we could get Ella out. We put her in the swing and she started shaking. She didn't like it one bit! Maybe next time.


Sarah Jones said...

sosososososo cute!
Love you!

Jami said...

That sucks about Steve's kidneys. :0/ Doesn't sound like the most fun thing to have and that also means that you're doing pretty much EVERYTHING. MAJOR bummer! Have him drink lots of cranberry juice and he'll be fine.... Or is that for a UTI? Or for constipation? Yah, it's for something and tastes good too so why not? The worst thing that could happen is he's REALLY regular, right? HA HA.

And a day at the park getting soaked is every kids' idea of a great time! You're a good mom hanging out on the playground equipment too. It's hard to get up there and go down the slides. Definitely could give you a "my butt is really big" complex. Everything's just a little snug and I have to keep reminding myself that it was made for mini-me's, but still, not fun to almost get stuck! No? Just me? Yah, me neither. I mean my "friend" was telling me about that. HA HA.

And my blog is private, so if you'd like an invite, e-mail me at and I'll send you one. :0)

Katie Huff said...

Aww! I love Ella Bella and I love you guys too! What are you and Steve up to this weekend? If you're not doing anything, we should hang out!