Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Woes of Children's Sleep

As I am writing this I can hear my daughter talking in her room. It is 10 o'clock! What is going on? I can tell this will be a fun one. Has anyone ever heard of 18 mo. sleep regression? Apparently around 18 mo. your child will start sleeping opposite of how they normally do. So my normally good sleeper has decided she wants to stay up until 10! At least that means that she takes more naps. I think as soon as I start thinking that I have this down and her sleep is figured out she changes it on me! Ugh! Oh well. I guess these little challenges are good birth control!

1 comment:

:) said...

Look at you caving into peer pressure. . . Just kidding. This is Nat from your old ward. You know the one who gives hangers for gifts. Yup, that's me Glad I was the first one to comment on your blog!